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The Path Is Not About Me

The universe is in constant creation.
Heated, melted into light our journey begins.
Existence is an eternal voyage where expressing God’s dreams, we become.

Paradox our destiny is.
Asleep we are to our divinity.
Translucent is life in us.
Heaven is emanating awareness.

It’s time to commune with each other.
Softly listen to God’s voice in us.

Negating myself, I found Love everywhere.
Omnipotent, Omnipresent God is.
Transcending time and space I became your reflection.

A sparkle of light illuminates our hearts .
Be here and now.
Only we can uncover the infinite.
Understand, life is not about me.
The path is about us.

Manifestation of Love is within.
Existence is all about Loving everyone, the path is not about me.


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